Sunday, October 30, 2011

Food Webs

This week our class is being introduced to food webs, shortly we will be looking at food webs specifically in relation to Antarctica (our current unit of work).

Bill Nye - The Science Guy has a good introduction to foodwebs here (sorry, it wont let me embed) I'd definitely watch this first, it's lots of fun and very well made - first part runs for 8 minutes.
The second part has a good explanation of food webs and pyramids at about 7:50.
In part three there is a good summary that begins at around 2:20.

What is a food web

The Gould League has a simple online Antarctica food web activity here and another one here.

Some other cool food web games can be found here - this one is a little more difficult!

A food-web game not requiring a computer can be found here.

A fun music video about the food web - I dare you to try and sing along!

The Lyrics may look a little mis-spelled here but if you hit the 'view in full screen' button it all comes up perfectly:
Food Web - Lyrics

And a very funny clip about how we are all connected:

For Teachers: Here's a lesson plan about Antarctic Food Webs. There also appears to be alot of science-related Antarctica content on this website!