Monday, May 30, 2011

Week 6 Focus: Voting

This week we are looking at voting, elections, with a focus on the preferential system of voting used in Australia.

A good, short 1min clip on preferential voting in Australia:

2 rather basic (and sort of funny) videos produced by the Australian Greens for the 2007 election. It is good for students in that it visually explains how preferential voting works.

Of course the Australian Electoral Commission is the first place to look for information on voting in Australia.
An Australian Parliamentary Education Office Factsheet on Elections is here.

How to fill in an Upper House Ballot Paper - (Liberal)

The preferential vote as explained by... Christians! Well explained and easy to understand, supported by diagrams.

Enrol to Vote - Kevin Rudd 07 Ads

A man complains about the size of his Senate ballot paper but explains how to use it to vote.

Finally, A Federal Election 'megamix' of commercials from 1990 - very funny (and a good starting point for election issues.)